Copaiba Balsam Essential Oil

Size 0.4 fl oz 2.03 fl oz

100% Pure & Natural Copaiba Balsam Essential Oil

Botanical Name: Copaifera officinalis

Copaiba Balsam has been used by the Amazon people for hundreds of years and the earliest documentation of its healing properties was in 1625 in European medical journals. New to the world of aromatherapy, Copaiba is a very versatile oil with a large catalog of properties and is a must-have in your aromatherapy chest.

Uses of Copaiba Balsam Essential Oil
  • Add a few drops to massage oil to ease the feeling of sore muscles.
  • Feeling anxious, stress or need a lighter mood, inhale the oil or add to a diffusor
  • Mix a few drops in a light carrier oil and apply to temples, back of neck to improve the feelings of a headache.
  • Add a few drops to olive or coconut oil and apply daily to improve the appearance of scars or stretch marks. Keep applying until you get results you want.
  • Add a few drops to your skin care products to impove the appearance of acne, wrinkles, dry skin, oily skin.
Background & Details
This oil is sourced from


History and Background

Copaiba Balsam essential oil is native to the Amazon rain forest and has been used by the people of the Amazon for hundreds of years to treat a variety of ailments, such as, cooling inflammation, skin disorders, wounds, pain relief. The oil was introduced to Europe by the Jesuits in the 1600's and was known as Jesuit's Balm. This oil is relatively new to Western aromatherapy but has been widely researched.

Physical Description

Pale yellow color with a watery consistency.

Aromatic Description

Slightly sweet, green, balsamic aroma.

Biological Makeup and Components

beta-caryophyllene, alpha-bergamotene, daniellic acid, beta-bisabolene, alpha-copaene

Extraction Technique

Steam distillation from the thick, sticky oleoresin.

Information for Aromatherapists

Copaiba Balsam essential oil is a base note and blends well with bergamot, cedarwood, clary sage, jasmine, orange, pepper black, plai, rose, ylang ylang.

Safety Info

Our Copaiba Balsam essential oil is 100% pure and natural. It is free of any chemicals, pesticides, synthetic perfumes, fillers, or carrier oils.

  • Copaiba Balsam is considered non-toxic.
  • Do not apply undiluted to the skin.
  • Any person with a history of plant or food allergies should read ingredients before using.
  • For external use only. Do not ingest.
  • If you are pregnant, epileptic, have cancer, have liver issues, or any other serious illness, we strongly suggest you consult a medical professional prior to using this essential oil.
  • Always keep essential oils out of reach of children.
  • Keep this oil tightly closed and in room temperature or cooler spot.
Additional Safety Information